Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Independence Viewing

Now, I realize that for some people, July 4th is an overblown holiday...  
But for the rest of us, it’s the celebration of when our forefathers decided that they were
mad as hell, and not going to take it anymore, shook their fists, and yelled at those pompous Brits to get off our lawn!!

This year, Independence Day falls on a Wednesday, which is completely useless. Now everyone is just going to be tired and cranky on Thursday because they were up late watching fireworks the night before. How can you properly celebrate our nation’s birthday when you have to get up and drive to the office the next morning? Boo-urns!

Still, in honor of Independence Day, I recommend the following for your viewing pleasure. I also invite you to share your favorite Independence Day movies in the comments section below.

National Treasure
I know, I know, Nicolas Cage isn’t exactly a selling point for any movie, but this is actually pretty fun to watch, plus it has Sean Bean as the villain, so you get to see a British man defeated by an American. Yeah!! (Actually, watching Sean Bean lose is always fun. Except in Game of Thrones. Still, here you go!)


The Sandlot
Granted, this is just a great movie in general for summer viewing, but the fireworks scene with Ray Charles singing can’t help but make you feel damn proud to be an American!



School House Rocks

While we’re talking about fireworks, everyone’s favorite teacher, School House Rocks, had more than a few Independence-themed videos, including one dedicated to fireworks:



Robot Chicken

Jumping from cartoons to claymation, I ask: have you ever seen George Washington slap a polar bear? 

 You have now. And you are welcome.


Team America
And from crude claymation we go to puppets.I don’t think I need to say anything other than: 

Seriously, that song gets you pumped, yes?

Speaking of getting pumped up,I dare you...no, George C. Scott dares you...not to be inspired.


Band of Brothers
Not that I ever need
an excuse to watch this. I love that this is now played as a marathon for almost every holiday now. Seriously, I’ve watched BoB marathons over Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, New Year’s, Thanksgiving, and of course, the fourth of July. This is, along with Roots and Lonesome Dove, one of the top three mini-series ever made. I urge anyone who hasn’t seen it to watch. Yes, it’s 10 hours long, but the cast is incredible, the cinematography, music, and direction are flawless, and while it was adapted from Stephen “Not a Real Historian” Ambrose’s often inaccurate source material (for example, Blithe did not actually die after during WWII, Ambrose wrote that on hearsay recollected by a geriatric man) it really does accurately portray much of what troops in the European theatre experienced. This holds a special place in my heart, as my grandfather was at Normandy (Second wave, Omaha Beach) and followed a similar path through Europe as depicted in the mini-series. Also, Ross is a jerk:


This movie is amazing. I don’t care if you don’t like musicals. Suck it up, and watch it. Do it for your country! Ben Franklin dances along to a song about Thomas Jefferson having sex with his wife, and Mr. Feeney as John Adams single-handedly makes the US happen:

Also, this song was originally removed from the theatrical release because Nixon was offended by it, so, in honor of Tricky Dick, you should listen and laugh at the fact that with all the crises going on in the world at the time, he was most concerned with censoring a film adaptation of a Broadway musical.

Independence Day
This one goes without saying, I know. It is the quintessential summer blockbuster, and never gets old on repeat viewing. So this Independence Day, make yourself some popcorn and enjoy the awesomeness that is “Independence Day.”

Bill Pullman will always be the president of my heart. He even made Robert Loggia cry! (Wow, Robert Loggia!)

Happy Fourth of July!!

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